Wednesday, June 6, 2012

IPv6 Launched Today.

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When we used internet by any device or any media, an IP addresses is assigned to the device. This may be a temporary IP that may get changed with every connection, or a static IP address that never changes. Internet has now come into a situation where there are more requests for IP addresses than available addresses. This leads to a situation where growth on the Internet is slowed down because of that fact.
From current view structure scenario IPv4 address space is good for 4.3 billion IP addresses, a large number but not nearly large enough. For consider apart: there are more smartphones alone available in the world than IP addresses available. And smartphones are not the only devices that people make use of to connect to the Internet. They have desktop PCs, laptops, printers, gaming systems and maybe even refrigerators that can also connect to the Internet. Plus, there is the business side of things, with servers and networks that also need IP addresses.
Basically, around the world has run out of IP addresses,  that’s why the new standard IPv6 is being launched today. Being launched does not mean that it will be switched on, and the other will be switched off. Internet Service Providers, websites and network hardware manufacturers are merely enabling IPv6 for their products permanently on that day. It will run in parallel with IPv4 for some time.
For the majority of Internet users, nothing changes at all today. You will still be able to connect to the Internet as usual, and access websites and services like before. Depending on the devices and operating systems used, some users may even need to upgrade their hardware or software in the future before they become IPv6 compatible.  For now though, thanks to IPv4 and IPv6 running in parallel, Internet connectivity should not be any different from yesterday, or a year ago.
If you are interested in your system’s IPv6 compatibility, you can run this little test in a web browser of your choice to find out more about it.


Woowwwooo it is a great news for the internet and many people will use this services i like your post and happy to listen this good news from your blog.

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