Monday, June 18, 2012

How can we freeup disk space with Clean Temporary Places ?

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New temporary file cleaner system which is to differs from CCleaner. CCleaner is one of the best tools in the temporary file cleaning software and that every other application that gets created in the niche should be compared to it to answer the simple question why one should use it instead of CCleaner.
When we looks at Clean Temporary Files, all will immediately notice that it does not support as many locations as CCleaner, even if CCleaner Enhancer is not taken into consideration. And while you can add custom folders to the program that you want to clean up, it would mean lots of work to add all the locations manually to the application.
Clean Temporary places on the other hand ships with features that CCleaner does not ship with. This includes statistics about the cleanup history, displayed as a graph, and as total, maximum and previous values. And unlike CCleaner, Clean Temporary Files ships with networking support that network administrators can make use of to clean files on connected systems (CCleaner’s Network Edition offers the same functionality at a price).
It takes two clicks to clean up all the locations though, and while it lacks several locations that you may want to include in cleanup operations, it covers important locations by default. Another are where it lacks is support for Registry cleanups.


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