Thursday, May 31, 2012

Microsoft has released final test version of next-generation Windows8.

After a huge waitlist atlast Microsoft has released final test version of next-generation Windows 8 software crafted to power devices ranging from tablets to desktop computers.
At nearly finished Windows 8 software was available for download in 14 languages at
Availability of Windows 8 Release Preview marks the final phase of development before the operating system becomes available to makers of computers and other devices.
According to Microsoft, preview version of Windows 8 was downloaded more than a million times in the 24 hours after its release in February.
Windows 8 allows users readily to store and share personal data among various devices under the "SkyDrive" cloud computing service. Rivals Apple and Google offer such services.
The new Microsoft system will support a wider range of devices, including touch- and stylus-based smartphones and tablet PCs as well as desktop and laptop machines, chief executive Steve Ballmer said.
Note before you download: Windows 8 Release Preview is prerelease software that may be substantially modified before it’s commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here. Some product features and functionality may require additional hardware or software.
Important: If you decide to go back to your previous operating system, you'll need to reinstall it from the recovery or installation media that came with your PC, which is typically DVD media. If you don’t have recovery media, you might be able to create it from a recovery partition on your PC using software provided by your PC manufacturer. Check the support section of your PC manufacturer’s website for more information. After you install Windows 8, you won’t be able to use the recovery partition on your PC to go back to your previous version of Windows.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Add Google Adsense Ads in blog at top of only post pages.

Every blogger wants to earn money from adding AdSense ads to the top of only posts pages in Blogger (as seen on that blog) and not on any other page  is bit difficult keeping in view the limitations of the blog. According to policies of AdSense one can only have the three ad units and three link units simultaneously at any webpage. If you add the AdSense code to top of each post then at home page if you are having, let’s say, five posts then AdSense cannot be shown at top of each post.

 Also it’s better to have clean home page with recent posts and their summaries and ads only show on top of post at post page. A little trick can solve this issue. Thanks to Page type in Blogger. The posts have the pageType= item. Just follow the steps given below to add the AdSense to top of each post of Blogger and at the same time the ads will not be shown on home page etc.

 get the Google Adsense ad codes from your Adsense accounts and parsed them so that it can be used in Blogger template. You can use this tool.

2. Go to Blogger account and then go to Design > Edit HTML.( Backup your template as precautionary measure)

3. Check the Expand Widget Templates box and search the following line of code in your template by pressing CTRL + F

<div class='post-body entry-content'>
4. Rite After this add the following lines of code. Replace the line (
YOUR ADSENSE AD CODE) with parsed Adsense code in step 1.
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<div style='float: top;'>

5. Save the template and you are done.

You can define the float property to define the Ads placement. With top property Adsense ads will be shown at top of each post just below the title of post. If you want to merge the Adsense ads at the top left of right of the post just write left or right instead of top.
Most people recommend to have the 300×250 or 336×280 ad unit at the top of the post as its gives better results specially for the visitors who landed one your post via search engines.

How to make your computer work faster using notepad?

If you are fed up of your computer working slow! So, I am there to help you…

Today I am going to show you a trick through which you can make your computer work faster. It’s really very easy.

Steps are as follows :-

1. Open your Notepad. (Start > Programs > Accessories > Notepad)

2. To your Notepad type MYSTRING= (80000000). Note that there exists seven zeros and they are without spaces.

3. Now, save the file to your desired location and named “RAM.vbe”

4. Now just double click on the file. No file will open but it will make your computer work faster.

That all! Now enjoy your computer with faster speed.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Web Browser System Requirements Details.

When we plans to install a new web browser on our system, or to upgrade one of the browsers to a newer version, we need to make sure that our system meets the requirements for that. While it is usually not a issue anymore when it comes to hardware requirements, we may notice that it is a completely different story when it comes to supported operating systems for instance. Firefox users on Windows 2000 will for instance notice that they won’t be able to update from Firefox 12 to 13 in the near future, as Mozilla has dropped support for that operating system starting with that version of the browser.
For this guide, I have analyzed the system requirements for the following web browsers: Internet Explorer 8, Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari and Opera. The latest browser versions were analyzed, with the exception of Firefox, where I looked at Firefox 13 and not Firefox 11 due to the change in operating system support in that version.
Key Findings
·         Opera is the only browser in that list that is still supporting Windows 2000
·         Opera, Firefox and Chrome are the only browsers available for Windows, Mac and Linux systems
·         Opera has the lowest system requirements, with the exception of IE8 on Windows XP

System Requirements Table
A blank field means either that the operating system is not supported, or that no information have been provided by the company developing the browser.
Processor Windows
233 Mhz
Pentium 4
Process Mac
64 MB (XP)
Recommended RAM
512 MB
512 MB
512 MB
Min Disk Space
150 MB (XP), 70 (Vista)
Rec. Disk Space
70 Mb
70 Mb
200 MB
Rec. Disk Space 64-bit
120 MB
120 MB
Windows XP
Windows Vista
Windows XP SP2 (FF 13)
OS X 10.5
Any recent

Processor Windows
Pentium 4
Pentium II
500-MHz Pentium-class
Process Mac
128 MB
128 MB
256 MB
Recommended RAM
256 MB
Min Disk Space
100 MB
20 MB
Rec. Disk Space
100 MB
Rec. Disk Space 64-bit
Windows XP SP2
Windows 2000
Windows XP SP2
OS X 10.5.6
Mac OS X 10.5
OS X 10.5.8
Ubuntu 10.04
Any recent
Not available
Debian 6
OpenSuse 11.3
Fedora Linux 14

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Always keep clean your PC with Wise Disk Cleaner.

In Daily routines internet is need of every people but aware of virus and other infected items by use of CCleaner. Users say that there is not really a need to run disk cleaners like the popular CCleaner or the lesser known FixBee regularly on a system thanks to Terabyte-large hard drives. And while that may be true in some cases, it may not be true for all. Users with Solid State Drives built-in their computer for instance will have a couple hundred Gigabytes tops on that drive available, which can get filled rather quickly with games, large applications, or media.
Wise Disk Cleaner is a free program for the Windows operating system that PC users can make use of to remove unnecessary files from their system that take up disk space. The program uses a clean interface that is divided into three tabs at the top.
The Common Cleaner tab resembles CCleaner’s functionality. It’s basically a list of locations where temporary files or files that leave traces are saved in. A click on a group opens up a detailed selection list. You find the usual file locations listed here, from web browsing cookies and history information to temporary file locations that Windows uses automatically.
The list is nowhere near as comprehensive as that of CCleaner, but it covers many major locations. It needs to be mentioned that only Internet Explorer, Firefox and Google Chrome are covered by the cleaner.
The Advanced Cleaner basically searches select hard drives for temporary file types, invalid shortcuts and empty files, and offers to remove them.  It is possible to add custom file extensions here to have them included in the cleanup automatically from that moment on.
Wise Disk Cleaner offers to run these two cleanup modes manually or on schedule. It is for instance possible to run an automatic cleanup once per week.
The Slimming System options offer interesting options to cut down on the size of the Windows installation folder. Here it is possible to remove components that you may not use at all. This includes Windows Help files, language packs, or the Windows Installer Baseline Cache which usually has quite a large file size.
On a one month old installation of Windows 7, the slimming system option offered to free up 1.3 Gigabyte of disk space.
The program settings offer some interesting options. You can first add folders here that you want emptied regularly. Whatever is in that folder, will be cleaned by the program when you run it. You can furthermore add folders to the list of exclusions; so that they are not targeted by the cleaner at all, and have the program create a one-click shortcut on your system to run cleanups manually with a click on that shortcut. Non-SSD users can furthermore enable secure deletion here to make the data unrecoverable after deletion.

Closing Words

Slimming System feels like a genuine feature, especially since it usually frees up more disk space than the other cleaning options. This feature sets it apart from other cleaners that do not offer it.  Please note that you can download a portable version of the PC cleaner by clicking on the Alternate Download link on the program website.

Make prioritize file Downloads in uTorrent.

When you load a torrent with multiple files into the uTorrent Bit torrent client, you will notice that uTorrent by default will not prioritize any file in particular. While that may not be an issue most of the time, especially not if the torrent is well seeded. There are however situations where you may want to prioritize files in the program, for instance when you download a media file that you want to preview this way. You could do that by downloading the beginning of the first file right at the start, to preview the media file that way.
Another reason for downloading files in priority is if you want to have them available at the very earliest moment. Instead of download files left and right without order, you might want to download files one by one instead so that you have the complete file on your hard drive. This may be important for accessing as soon as possible, but also if you fear that the original seeder might shut down the seeding. Instead of being left with incomplete files, you would have at least some finished files on your computer.
The Bit torrent client uTorrent offers several configuration options, some automatic, some manual, that you can use to prioritize file downloads in the client.
Probably the biggest option that you have at your disposal is only available manually, unfortunately. You can highlight specific files in a torrent and change their priority. The client by default supports the three priority ratings high, normal and low, which you can increase to 15 with a click on Options > Preferences > UI Settings > Use fine grained file priorities.

The second option, still manual, is the Prioritize by file order option that you see in the screenshot above. This basically prioritizes downloads based on the order of files in the file listing. If you select all files, uTorrent will try and complete the first file before it jumps to the second, then third, and so on. There is unfortunately no option to automate this setting in uTorrent.
Open the preferences again, and select Advanced this time. Here you find several advanced configuration options. Locate bt.prio_first_last_piece here and set its value to true. This is an automatic setting that makes uTorrent prioritize the first and last piece of a file over everything else. Keep in mind that this does not necessarily mean that the whole file will be prioritized. It is mainly there to provide users with a way to preview media files as soon as possible.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

WikidPad,a helpful for personal Wiki-like local Notebook.

When we think to store information, we have lots of different options at disposal. All of we can fire up good old Notepad or a comparable text editor and add the information in there, use the advanced options that rich text editors like Microsoft Word or Open Office offer, use special note taking applications or store your notes remotely, for instance on Google Docs or Ever note. But from the end node we can use one from all like as mini dictionary is WikidPad.
WikidPad is a free open-source program for the Windows and Mac operating system, and Linux, that offers a a wiki-like functionality on top of the text editing capabilities that it offers. Probably the biggest feature setting it apart from many of the other solutions that you may come across are those functionalities, and here especially the linking of notes, and the ability to add file and url links as well that you can click on to open the file or website in the default application.
You can create one or multiple wikis for your information, which may consist of one or multiple documents. You are free to fill the documents as you see fit, but need to now that you can only add textual information, including rich text formatting options, directly using the program’s editor. Media can be included as file links pointing to local files.
The program starts in edit mode, which may not be the most appropriate mode to start in as it opens the WikidPad Help wiki in edit mode as well. First thing that you may want to do is switch to preview mode to make the thing more readable. This is done with the shortcut Ctrl-Shift-Space, or a click on Tabs > Toogle Edit / Preview.
When it comes to text formatting options, you have standard options like headings, bold and italic at your disposal, as well as different colors, tables, as well as inline HTML tags and cascading style sheets..
Users unfamiliar with the concept, should read through the introduction over at the official website, as it explains basic concepts like starting a new Wiki, creating an index and additional pages, the formatting options, or how links work in the program.
You can export your wiki at any time to HTML, either as a single HTML file or a set of HTML files which can be interesting if you want to make it available in a local network or on the Internet.
While it is relatively easy to start your own wiki and fill it with contents, you will spend some time finding out how to do things before you get used to the program’s mechanics. This may keep some users away, who would like a simpler solution. If you take your time though, you will find out that it an be quite the powerful tool.
Note :- Some Windows users may need to run the program with administrative privileges after installation

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Create a Unique Password for Every Site You Use.

Learn how you can create unique and strong passwords for every website that you use without storing the passwords anywhere.

Most people thus rely on password management software that encrypt and store all your passwords in a database which is protected by a single password. You enter that master password and you instantly have access to all your stored user logins and passwords.
Every person wants to create lengthy, complicated and unique passwords for every website that you use but that rarely happens in practice because these complex strings would be nearly impossible for anyone to remember.

There’s however another solution as well that will help you generate unique passwords for all your online accounts but without storing the passwords anywhere – neither online nor on your computer. It’s called Password Chameleon.
With Password Chameleon, all you have to do is remember one master password. You enter the site’s domain name (say and your master password (say He!!0WorId) and tool will instantly create a password by mashing these two strings. Every time you enter your master password and the web domain, the tool will generate the same password.
The good thing is that passwords are generated locally on your computer and while all your online accounts will have unique passwords, you will have to remember just one master password. Also, Password Chameleon uses the
 SHA-1 Algorithm to generate your passwords (aka hashes) and it impossible to decrypt the master password from the generated hashes.The downside is that this method isn’t a very practical solution for people who could be maintaining multiple accounts on the same website. The web app and browser extensions are free though the mobile apps cost a little less than $2. 

Article refer from

Monday, May 14, 2012

JavaScript Popup Blocker available for Google Chrome.

In the middle working tier when Popup comes, I do not like them, at all. While they are sometimes used by sites to make part of the website’s functionality available, they are more often than not used for advertisement. And while there is nothing wrong with advertising in general, popup ads tend to be one of the most annoying forms of advertisement that you encounter on the Internet. The core reason being that new windows are spawned, that you need to close manually at one point or the other. That’s fine if one window spawns, but there are sites out there that bombard you with popups.
With Firefox, I have NoScript which takes care of the popups. I can’t really say when I have seen the last unrequested popup show up in the web browser. For Chrome, things have been different. While you get your assortment of ad blocking scripts for the browser, I found the JavaScript Popup Blocker extension to be more reliable when it comes to blocking popup windows in the browser.
The extension comes with two modes. First white-list mode, which is the default mode after installation, and then blacklist mode. White-list basically blocks all popups automatically, except on pages that you have explicitly white-listed in the options of the extension. Blacklist mode on the other hand turns this around by only blocking popup windows on pages that you have added to the list. The latter may be useful if you visit that annoying one site regularly that is spawning pop-ups like crazy.
Blocked popups are indicated in the browser’s address bar, next to the bookmarking star. Depending on the page you are on, you may see icons that indicate a blacklisted or whitelisted page, and a blocked popup.
A click on the blocked popup icon in the address bar displayed information about the page the site tried to spawn, with options to open it by clicking on the link, or by going to the blocking preferences of the extension to add it to the whitelist or blacklist, depending on your configuration.
JavaScript Popup Blocker for Google Chrome is a handy extension for Chrome users who are plagued by popups.

Internet Based Path Scanner - Firebind.

As per my hobby once a while I stumble upon a computer game that is giving me headaches ports-wise. Most of the time this is the case when I try to play a multiplayer game with my buddies for the first time, and we notice that we either can’t connect to each other, or to the game server. The majority of times this happens, it is a port related issue. The game requires some obscure ports to be opened, and refuses to communicate otherwise.
This can even happen when you start playing popular games, like World of Warcraft, Xbox Live or League of Legends, or when you try to connect to Steam. The same is true for applications that require ports to be open to function correctly. And while it is less likely that you will run into issues with programs like Apple Bonjour, VNC or Apple Facetime, there is still the chance that something is not working correctly.
When that happens, you go port hunting. Since games do not come with manuals anymore, you need to find your answer on the Internet. Which ports does it require? Are those UDP or TCP ports? Even worse, testing may take an extended amount of time, as you need to enable the ports, restart the application or game, and see if it resolved the issue. If it did not, you verify the ports again to make sure you did not make an error, and then go port hunting again to see if you missed a port.
Firebind Port Checker
Enter Firebind, a free (mostly) Java-based path scanner that you can run right in your favorite web browser. What I particularly like about the service is that it is listing tests and apps right on its pages. Instead of having to find out by yourself which ports Steam or Heroes of Newerth, or the SSH protocol require, you simply click on the test link, and start testing. These templates work out of the box.
How does it work?
Since virtually all firewalls will leave TCP port 80 (HTTP) open, Firebind uses that port to talk to its server and create a “listener” on the port the user is interested in. For example, if you are trying to test whether port 5190 is open for AOL Instant Messenger, Firebind will tell its own server to listen on port 5190, and will send traffic back and forth from your machine to our server on that port. If the traffic is successfully sent and received, it’s highly likely that the Internet provider is not blocking the use of your application. If the test traffic fails you’ll know immediately that the Internet provider is more than likely blocking the application.
Path scanning [,,] is about validating that your IP device’s “path” to the Internet is free from being blocked for the specific application(s) you’d like to run. Firebind doesn't ever send IP traffic to a third party IP address. We only send traffic from our Firebind Client on your IP device to our Internet-Hosted Firebind Server.
A click on Apps on the Firebindwebsite opens the available applications and protocols that you can test right away with two clicks of the mouse. The developers have made available clients for Android and iOS (soon), as well as a generic web client, that you can make use of to test custom ports. Here you need to enter a port or port-range, select whether you want TCP or UDP tested, and wait until the program reports its findings directly to you.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Resume Writing Tips for Freshers & Experienced.

Resume Format
Always have a .doc (Microsoft Word) format and .txt format of your resume with you. When you are fillingyour resume in websites, you need the text format and when you are sending resume through mail, it's better to send the .doc format.
Few companies may ask specifically for .rtf format. In such case, you don't have an option anyway.

Resume Size 
Try to see to it that the .doc resume file size is less than 100 KB.

Resume File Name
Don't give some junk names as file name for the resume. If you keep use junk names, there is every possibility that your mail will travel to bulk/trash folder of recruiter. Your resume's file name should ideally denote your name, experience, technology, years of experience and company name. Keep some valid name for your resume.
Example: Resume_Chetana_J2EE_3 Years_INFOSYS.doc
Example: Resume_Chetana_FRESHER_B Tech_Computers.doc

Exclusive Mail IDs
Use only one (or maximum of 2) mail Ids exclusively for the purpose of recruitments. Do NOT use those mail Ids for any other purpose (Especially you should not use it for subscribing to any GROUP mails or FORWARD mails).

Standard Mail Service Providers
You must be careful about the service providers in which you open a mail account. Don't use the mail Ids/accounts from non-standard service providers. If they disconnect services suddenly, your mail ID fails and you need to resend resumes with new mail Id to all the companies you have already applied. So, always try to create mail Ids with standard service providers like Yahoo, Rediff, Google etc.
Choose both mail Ids from different mail service providers. In case, if one service provider experiences technical problems, you can use the other service provider.

Mail Space 
Always see to it that at least 50 %u0025 of your mailbox size is free. Delete unnecessary mails periodically.

Send from same mail ID
While sending the resume, preferably send it from the mail ID you have mentioned in your resume.

Always keep a copy
While sending the resume, always keep a CC/BCC to your mail ID (or at least keep your sent items ON) so that you will know whether the resume is attached properly and/or whether it's traveling to bulk mail folder.

Subject Line
If the company mentions that a specific 'Job Code' has to be written in Subject Line, write that. If nothing specific, then give a proper subject line for your mail.
Example: Resume - J2EE - 3 Years Experience - INFOSYS - Bangalore

Covering Letter
Always try to include a "short" covering letter just containing your experience, current location, contact details (address & phone number) current company name, technology you are working in. Don't write too long covering letters. No HR will spend time on reading your long letters.

Short is Sweet
Don't make the resume too long. Keep it short & sweet. It should be less than 3 pages (and up to a maximum of 4). The HR will hardly have 1 minute to glance at your resume. He won't have the time to read story-like resume. So, be precise, clear and straight to the point.
Better use bullets for mentioning important points.

Check BULK mail folder
Check the BULK mail folder before blindly emptying it. I have seen people who lost call letters because of it.

Header & Footer !
Always have a header & footer in your resume.
Header can contain a simple heading of your resume.
Footer should preferably contain the page number.

First Page is the best page to convey all about you !
Typically the HR expects all the important details in the first page. He receives hundreds of resumes and hardly gets 1 minute to look at your resume and so he won't bother to search your resume for the required details, if the details are not found in his first glance at your resume.

The first page of resume must contain the following things:
Personal Details : Full Name, Date of Birth, Passport Number.
Current Contact Details : Full Contact Address, Contact Phone Numbers, Mail ID & Alternate Mail ID.
Work Experience Summary : All the companies you have worked so far, Company Address, Website, Dates of Duration in each Company. Don't assume that everyone knows about your company. (You can highlight if your current company has any good quality levels like CMM/CMMI)
Job Responsibilities : Your job profile in your past companies. For example, you should highlight that you are working as 'Module Leader leading a team of 6 people' in your current company.
Skill Set Summary : Highlight all the technologies you know well. Don't include any technologies you have not worked on.
Certifications : Include any relevant certifications you have. That gives you an edge over others.
Education Details Summary : Your Post Graduation, Graduation, Intermediate, 10 th details, Aggregate Percentage, Year of Pass out (Most important).

Contact Details at the top, not at bottom !
Contact Details should be at the top of resume, not at the bottom.
Never include the contact details in Header or Footer. They won't be visible properly.

Always provide an alternate mail ID !
Always provide an 'Alternate Mail Id' also (in case your original mail Id fails, it will be useful).
Do NOT give more than 2 mail Ids in resume. The recruiters as well as you will get confused which mail Id to send/receive call letters.

No one can save you if your Mail ID fails !
Check the mail Ids you provided in CV by sending a trial mail. (I have seen people giving instead of If the mail Id fails when HR sends you call letter, no one can save you in this world. No HR will resend the call letter if your mail ID fails.)

Never use official mail ID ! (for Experienced people)
NEVER use OFFICIAL MAIL ID or OFFICIAL PHONE NUMBER in the resume. You must always provide the Personal mail Id & Personal Phone/Mobile Number. You can give the OFFICIAL MAIL ID for reference at the end the resume.

Spell Check !
Always perform a spell check and grammar check on the resume. You don't deserve a job if you can't write your resume without mistakes.
There is nothing wrong in getting your resume reviewed by someone else. They might catch the mistakes that your eyes can never detect.

Educational details are important !
People (especially experienced people) think that they don't need to give the educational details. But they are important. If not all details, at least give the highest qualification, college/university name and aggregate percentage. (Some HR people simply delete the resumes without educational details.)

Reverse Chronological order !
Your latest job profile is more important than your first one. So, always write the details in reverse chronological order (start with the latest) especially when you are listing previous company details or educational qualification details.

Avoid Irrelevant Details !
Write straight to the point and only the details relevant to the job. (You don't need to include your family tree or how many children you have or what your wife does.)
Do not write stereotype sentences like 'I am sincere, intelligent, hardworking' etc. That's childish. Who in this world is not hardworking by the way?

Use simple Language! 
Use simple English. You don't need to write complex jargon in the resume.

Write the Crux of Projects !
Don't write all about your projects. That will make the resume very lengthy. Write only the crux of the information. Following details would be enough.

Project Name, Team Size, Client Name, Duration of Project.
Short description of project (Not more than 5 to 6 lines).
Your role in project (This is very important).
Technologies used in project.

You should convey where you want to work! 
Always include the following clearly in resume:

'Current Location' (mandatory). I have seen resumes in which there is no clue of where they are working currently. How can they expect a call letter?
'Desired Location' (if you have a preference). Anyway fresher’s typically will not have a choice for the desired location. They better not to include it.

Experience !
Project Training done in your final academic year does not come under professional work experience. You can mention it, but not under 'Work Experience' section.
Always highlight your onsite (customer interaction experience) in your resume. That gives you an edge over others.

Salary Details
Better not to include current & expected compensation details in resume. You can convey them when you are asked to provide them during interview.

You are not submitting the application for matrimonial!
Do not include any photos in the resume unless specifically asked by the company.

You are not writing a love letter!
Avoid unwanted graphics: Either in resume or the covering letter, avoid jazzy graphic images, emoticons or multiple colors.
Avoid jazzy fonts: Preferably use some professional font (Arial or Times or Verdana) and use the same across. Use same font size across the resume (except for headings). Don't write each line in a different font and size.
However, you can use some decent shades (preferably gray color), to highlight important information. That makes the resume to look good when a printout is taken.

Take a print and see!
Take a printout of your resume and see. If you do not like it in the first look, the same will be with recruiters. (I know HR people who called candidates based on attractive resume.) So, revise it again.

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