Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Google Swiffy,convert flash animations into HTML5 animations.

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Google Swiffy is a new tool by Google provided to convert Flash animations into HTML5 animations. As you know, Flash is the technology behind most animations we see in the web. Ads, Games, Videos and funny animations, most of them are made in Flash, but the recent increase of iOS devices such as iPhones and iPads, are forcing web developers to migrate to HTML5 since these devices don’t support Flash. 
Its is obvious that Adobe offers a similar tool called Wallaby, but you need to use it with Adobe Flash, and that’s not free, Swiffy it is. And besides being free (no charge) is also free (no limits), so you can use it as long as you need it.It supports on all the web browsers like Chrome, Safari, Mobile Safari, Android Browsers, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera.
 Swiffy uses web standards such as SVG and EcmaScript 5, so over time more browsers will support Swiffy output. 
Remember that this services is still a Lab, so complex file, such as games, may not be fully converted, but apparently there are no problems with animations.


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