Global consumer electronics major Samsung Wednesday launched in the Indian market its next-generation tablet Galaxy Tab 620, with a 1.2GHz dual core processor and Android Honeycomb 3.2 operating system. This latest Tablets will enable customers to manage their work and life while to the move. Lot of features of This tablet will offer faster browsing, downloading and transmission along with content viewing and gaming, users can download movies and songs and surf the web with high data speeds of 21Mbps.
Main feature in the college student era of Tablets which can download a 1GB movie in 6.5 minutes and a 1.5MB photo in one minute. Similarly, a 10MB music file can be transmitted in one second through a 40MHz channel. As for as price concerned Rs.30,250 with all features and weighing 345 gm with 9.96 mm, seeking design makes it easy to carry.
For more with integrated communication service, users can aggregate contacts, calendar and email with instant messaging and social networking service. Contacts can be synched with online portals and social networks and manage schedules and events from multiple accounts. Tablets Android operating system provides a greater user experience with a compatibility zoom for non-tablet sized applications.
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