This week a rather above-average bit of information on the future of mobile in Google, that being them creating no less than their very own processor and GPU for their future devices – namely their Nexus line of purely stock Android smartphones and tablets heard from sources. The source says that a programming employee at Google told him this information. Google wants to create a product they can support for an extended period of time, much like Apple and the iPhone. The processor will be probably be found in the next, which means we should hear something about it later this year. Google taking a new command of their own destinies with hardware manufacturing.
The folks at Google have of course not commented on the matter as if such a thing were true, they’d drop the good news like an atom bomb upon the industry. Then again it is CES 2012 week, and we’ve not yet truly begun. Googlecould sneak in here with a bunch of fun in their own time, chip smashing all the way home.
What do you think about this? Could Google be creating a new batch of hardware for use in their own future products? Android works with a majorly large pledge of manufacturers, their hardware spanning from the very awesome to the very terrible. Google very well may be once again be taking steps toward solidifying its platform again, but it’s a rumor or real.
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